At More Than Words Speech Therapy, we offer social skills groups for kids and teens of all ages to practice engaging with peers, taking turns, learning about others’ feelings, and managing big and small feelings. Below are some of the groups we have offered in the past with details about each. Our social skills groups are offered quarterly for 4-8 weeks at a time. Our upcoming group will be Board Game Club, which will start in Fall 2024!

One of our favorite games! Don’t drop the Yeti!

Board Game Club

One of our favorite social skills groups to host is called Board Game Club! Please email us at for more information or if you may be interested in joining us!

  • Offered Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024
  • Will start again Fall 2024
  • Date/Time: TBD
  • Cost: $35/child
  • Ages: 6-8; 9-13
  • Location: More Than Words Office (1101 McMurtrie Drive, Suite G1)
  • Sign up is done via a weekly google link and is required.
  • Topics addressed previously:
    • Taking Turns
    • Being a Good Sport Whether I’m Winning or Losing
    • Double Standards in Game Play
    • Staying in Your Personal Space
    • Being Patient with Others
    • Cheating
    • Following the Game Rules

LEGO Teams

Hosted Summer 2022, Summer 2023, and Summer 2024

This group was offered in Summer 2022 for the first time, and it was a blast! We hosted our LEGO group again in 2023 and 2024 because everyone loved this group so much. Each week we broke into teams of 3-5 kids and worked together to make LEGO projects. Some of our favorite projects were “Zip Liner”, “Lego Boat, Will it Float?”, and “Bridges”. Here are a few photos from our impressive LEGO engineers from 2023!

Our newest theme for social skills group was “Trivia Teams”. This group involved splitting kids into groups where they answered trivia questions and used appropriate social skills to engage and participate with peers. Some of the topics we addressed in Trivia Teams were “Cheating”, “Being a Part of a Trivia Team”, and “What to do When you get the Wrong Answers”. We learned very quickly that our patients were VERY good at trivia! This was a fun social group, and we hope to host it again soon!